Family Resources » FAQs - Pre-K Neighborhood Peers Program

FAQs - Pre-K Neighborhood Peers Program

What is the maximum class size?
The maximum number of students per class is fifteen. Per state regulations, 51% of the students must be typically developing for the classroom to be considered an integrated special education classroom. Thus, there are eight typically developing students and seven students whose IEPs deem a classroom placement necessary to meet educational goals.
Is there a cost for the program?
Federal regulations require that students with Individualized Education Plans are serviced under FAPE or free appropriate public education. However, there is a charge for typically developing students as preschool placement is not regulatory in our state. The current fee is $200.00 per month.
How are peer models chosen?
Completed applications are accepted for enrollment into the program on a first come, first served basis.
Completed applications may be dropped off or mailed to:
Graniteville Early Childhood Center Annex
6 Collins Ave
Johnston, RI 0291
Applications are available here.
Can I choose which session I want my child to attend?
We can not guarantee a morning or afternoon session based on your needs. Due to the nature of our program, we try to balance out the number of students in our AM/PM session with the needs of our students in the special education program. You are invited to share your preference of session. Generally speaking, younger children are given AM sessions due to the fact that they often tire more quickly than older peers.
Can I choose the days my child attends?
Our program is a five-day program that runs Monday through Friday. The expectation is that typically developing peers have the ability and stamina to attend each session.
Does my child need to be toilet trained?
Yes, all typically developing students must have achieved this milestone in their development. They must be completely independent and able to consistently use the bathroom on their own.
Is there transportation?
Yes, all Peer Models are given the opportunity to sign up for transportation to and from school on the School Bus. All students that take the bus are picked up at their house and dropped off at their house. Once a School Bus form is completed it takes approximately 10 school days for your child to be placed on a school bus route.